Picture: 2000 Miriam meditation gruop
Maxime Lagacé wrote " Spiritualty is the art of keeping your internal fire alive". When we learn to waite patiently for our senses to grow something magical opens, a door with an unique key that will all have within. When we calm in moment of each day we learn and learned to sit alone and do absolutely nothing, just breatghing and contempleting the moment is there when we begin to see that life expands into the real truths and began itself.
One day the magic happens when you arise in the perfect moment and feel in your human skin that you are alive, enjoy the love with in that pours from your own core.. Ram Das. wrote" the next message you need is always right where you are." but we are so blinded by the limites societes that we can't hear the message.
At any moment, we have the choice to close our eyes and turne into the spirt world that we all come from, it is no far is just next door, when you grow from within the hiden sun will shine within you. Your souls knows that secret just ask and you will get all the answer.
Always with love and gratitude