Aug 31, 2022

When the ancient knowledge meets modern healings

When the ancient knowledge meets modern healings

During this time when the frequency of the solar system are so strong you can feel stress levels can increase also due to both physically and emotionally reasons. to help you find calm during difficult times we offer relaxing treatment, spiritual reatreat, this time with an Epic "Healing Tour To Peru" an spiritual journey of you life time with the option of ancestral medicine (optional) and healings with a real Medicine Man the Keeper of the widson of the Andes.

A self transformation , self care -healing guide it by Medicine Man, I called him "Maestro" means Master Teacher. We are looking forward to share this Advengture with you in one of the most sacred places on Earth. Magical Peru. If you need more info please contact me I will be haooy to answer your questions.

Reserve your spot

Always with love and gratitude.


#event #ancestralnedicine #Ayahusca #ceremonies #healings #spiritualpath #spiritualgroth #enligment #awarness #desperardeconciencia #consiuoness #lovenadlight #SeedOfKindess