May 13, 2023

Sacred Journey

Updated: Aug 30, 2023

Imagine embarking on a journey that goes beyond your dreams...

Picture yourself in a tranquil and serene sanctuary, nestled amidst the embrace of nature's loving arms of a truth healers.


A journey within offert you more than a physical destination; it's an invitation to dive deep into

the vast oceans of your own consciousness and unlock a world of endless possibilities.

I am inviting you to a trip of your life time I called "Sacred Journey To Peru" where my

magnificent team will greeting you at Cusco Airport and transfer you to the Hotel and the journey

will begin on October 16th-24th, 2023

If your heart stirs with curiosity and a longing for self-discovery, I encourage you to explore

further. The path is open to reveal the depths of your being and the boundless love that resides within you. It time to go deep and let go the old and let it gone free what no longer serves you.

Please feel free to navegate on my website for more details. We are looking forward to share

laughters, creating new memories and friendships that will last life time.

Reserve hyour spot now.

See you in Peru, always with love and gratitud,

~Miriam Huizenga